Wednesday, June 5, 2013

saturday in savannah

The last two weekends have been so eventful! I didn't take very many pictures two weekends ago, so I'll just give you the summary version:

Saturday, May 25, we attended the beautiful and joyful wedding of our friends in hubby's hometown.  We got to catch up with many friends that we haven't seen in a while, and met new friends.  It was nice to go back to the town we both enjoy.   Sunday, we attempted to organize the closet and mostly failed, and on Memorial Day, we went to the baseball game.  Because it was in the middle of the day, the game strangely ended up taking most of the day up and left us with a relaxing Monday evening before the work week began again. 

This weekend, I took many many pictures and can't wait to tell you all about it. I'll probably have to tell you about it in parts, so let's start with Saturday!

On Friday evening, I had flown into Savannah to meet up with my mom and my cousins and aunt and uncle.  We were all there to celebrate the graduation of my cousin...let's call him B. B graduated from SCAD this Saturday and it was super awesome to be able to share the weekend with him and his family! Plus, I got to see my mom and tour a new city in the process. 

Saturday morning, I was up early.  I squeezed in a run, mom and I got ready for the day, and we embarked on our adventure. 

First up?  The Harper Fowlkes House! This old house had so much history! And, we had a docent who was extremely knowledgeable and told us about everything she possibly could.  The tour was longer than we expected, but we learned so much!  

I managed to snap a picture of Mom out on the back porch of the house:

Isn't her dress great?

After we had absorbed as much history and as many "really neat" things as we could handle, we walked a block over to the Civic Center to grab seats for B's graduation. 

Funny story, when B took off his graduation robe, we all noticed a strange coincidence.  Unknown to anyone, B and his twin, C, had each bought the same shirt at the same store, but in two different states and without talking to each other.  How strange is that?! Twin connections!

See for yourself!

Anyway, we finished the day up with a delightful Georgia peach sangria at a nearby cafe, and then a delicious dinner at Garibaldi's a few blocks over! 

Next post: Sunday update.  Hope everyone else's weekends were just as lovely!

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