Friday, April 5, 2013

where have i been?

Now, I realize there aren't many of you readers out there.  However, for the one or two of you who might -- just might! -- check this blog on occasion, perhaps you've been wondering where the heck I've been.

I have no excuses.  I should have written. I apologize.

But! Since I've been such a bad blogger recently, let me show you what I've been up to!

Three things I've been doing:

1.  Making pizza!  Santa (yes) brought us a pizza stone for Christmas, and we managed to actually put it to use! We made the most delicious pizza!

 (Shh. Don't tell the hubby I posted this picture. He was super excited about the pizza possibilities.)

2. Had a visit! Boston Friend came for a visit, and it happened to coincide with inauguration weekend. It was pretty...epic. We did lots of stuffs.  There's no way I can encapsulate the entire weekend here, but let me share a few pictures with you, since I'm in a picture mood:

Hubby and Boston Friend being awesome

Me and Boston Friend being...more awesome. 

We also took a nice picture, I promise. 

Look! You can almost see the President in that black limo/car there!

3.  Projects! You'll have to read more about these when I manage to get them posted. There are at least two that I've been up to that are post-worthy...and so many more on the horizon!

Happy Weekend!

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