Friday, August 23, 2013


Did you guys see this article/post over at Huffington Post yesterday? 

23 Signs You're Secretly an Introvert

It's reasonably interesting.  Although I don't fit every single one of the categories, I'm surprised at how many apply to me.

I suspect others won't be as surprised as I was (I have my own moments of density).  Even if you don't identify with many things on the list, it's a short read.

Friday, August 2, 2013


"I learned my theology from the hymnal. Long before I was in seminary with Frank Tupper, Molly Marshall, Glenn Hinson, and Bill Leonard, I was taking theology from B.B. McKinney, Fanny Crosby, Martin Luther and Walker's “Southern Harmony.”

What has caused me, a contemporary worship leader, to head back into the waters of tradition and heritage? The shallowness of the vast majority of praise choruses currently available. My twins will soon start coming to “big church,” and I want to make sure they are nurtured in their faith development and not just made to feel good and happy.

I think that is the secret success of the blended style. There will be music that sounds familiar and upbeat and hip to them, but there will also be the great teaching hymns of faith for them to chew on as they grow."

-- David Burroughs

The entire article/conversation can be found here.